I met with my mentor, and we discussed the future plans for this blog. We are inviting those who read this blog to come on the journey with us as we discover how our minds work. Each blog post will include a link for a test and a video. You can click on one or both depending upon how you like to obtain information. The blog post will also include a summary of information on the topic being explored.
The final product will be the development of a Facebook page integrating the blog posts and creating a community for people who want to comment and share resources that could be helpful.
The blog post topics will be:
1. Multiple Intelligences
2. Dyslexia
3. Gestalt and Linear Thinkers
4. Anxiety and Depression Based on Thinking Patterns
We hope you will follow our blog and learn about the previously mentioned topics and learn more about yourself.
Can't wait to join this Facebook page! What a great place to share info about all this.